morning pages

I know, I know, another break from travel photos. This one’s interesting though, promise.

I recently read an excerpt of Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. The main idea of the excerpt I read (and of the entire book) is to provide ways to help people free themselves creatively. One of the tools she recommends as a method for awakening creativity is a process called “the morning pages.” Morning pages are three pages of handwritten freewriting (most likely stream-of-consciousness) completed early on in the morning. They are for your eyes only, and serve to help you overcome negativity, writer’s block, a censor, whatever you call the force that keeps you from being your most creative, authentic self. And no, morning pages are not only for writers. Writing three pages each morning has been beneficial for businessmen and painters alike.

So, on this Sunday morning, I decided to sit down and try writing some morning pages myself. Annndddd here’s what the setup looked like. (Is it cheating if I’m eating breakfast at the same time? 😉 )

5 thoughts on “morning pages

  1. How’s it going? I’m on my fifth day of morning pages and I definitely feel a difference. My boyfriend’s been doing them for over a year now, and he can’t imagine starting the day without them. Have fun!

    • That’s so great that you’re keeping up with them! I actually need to do them more consistently in order to truly reap the benefits of them…but I’m looking forward to it! Happy writing =).

    • Haha…I actually haven’t been keeping up with them either, but I want to start doing them regularly. That’s great that your boyfriend found a groove! Good luck and let me know if they work for you =)


  2. Pingback: Disposable creativity | The HeSo Project

  3. Pingback: Inspiration Unlimited, or the Magic of Writing Morning Pages « Reflections in a Puddle

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